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No significant news in 2024.


Aug 2023: Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) is testing gas and condensate in the Remanso - X1 well in the Warnes province of Santa Cruz and discovered oil in Yarará - X2 in the Petaca sand. Remanso X1 is an old well that was drilled in the Los Monos formation in the 1980s.


No significant news in 2022.


No significant news in 2021.


No significant news in 2020.


No significant news in 2019.


No significant news in 2017.


Nov 2017: The government has signed development deals with Repsol, Petrobras, and Shell, bringing US$1.6 bn in investment. The deals cover blocks in the Iniguazu, San Telmo and Astillero gas fields. Early production is expected by 2021.


Oct 2016: Repsol will sign a deal to develop two gas fields, Boicobo and Boyuibe, in the southern Caipipendi block. Repsol is operator with 37.5% along with Shell BG (37.5%) and Pan American (25%).

Aug 2016: Total (operator, 50%) has brought the Incahuasi gas and condensate field online. The first phase of the development involves 3wells, a gas treatment plant and associated export pipelines. The second phase, currently under consideration, involves 3 further wells. Partners are Gazprom (20%), Tecpetrol (20%) and YPFB Chaco (10%).


Nov 2015: Repsol has discovered over 100 bcm of additional gas reserves in the Caipipendi block in the south. The three fields (Boicobo, Ipaguazu and Boyuy) will start producing in 2019.

Nov 2015: The third phase of the Margarita-Huacaya project in the department of Tarija in southern Bolivia is complete. It has reached a record 6.9 bcm per year output. Eight wells will be producing at year-end. The project, developed by Caipipendi Consortium, is operated by Repsol (37.5%) with partners BG (37.5%) and PAE (25%).

Sep 2015: The Margarita and Huacaya fields in the Caipipendi block have additional deep gas reserves. Currently Caipipendi yields around 6.5 bcm a year. Repsol is operator with 37.5% along with BG (37.5%) and Pan American (25%).

June 2015: The presidents of Peru and Bolivia agreed to study a project that would allow  Bolivia to ship its natural gas to Asia from Peru's Pacific coast by linking to a US$5 bn gas pipeline now being built in southern Peru.

May 2015: Repsol announced the Margarita 7ST gas discovery in the Margarita-Huacaya block, increasing reserves in the Caipipendi area. Investment in phase 3 of Margarita-Huacaya is expected to reach US$293 mm by 2018, which  is 1 of 10 key projects in Repsol’s 2012-2016 Strategic Plan. Repsol is operator (37.5%) with BG (37.5%) and PAE (25%)


Feb 2014: Phase 2 production of the Itau gas/condensate field in Block XX (Tarija Oeste) in the foothills of the Andean Cordillera has begun, tripling capacity to 1.8 bcm each year. All gas is processed in a new unit on the same site as facilities for the San Alberto field. The field was discovered in 1999 with phase 1 commencing production in 2011. Gas is exported mainly to Argentina. Petrobras is operator (30%), along with Total (41%), BG (25%) and YPFB (4%).


Oct 2013: The Margarita-Huacaya gas processing plant in Tarija has been opened allowing output to increase to 5.2 bcm per year. Total investment will be US$640mm with the current phase including 4 new wells, 29kms of pipelines and expansion of the Villamontes compressor station. The Caipipendi Consortium is operated by Repsol (37.5%) with BG (37.5%) and PAE (25%).

Sep 2013: Total will proceed with the first development phase of the Incahuasi gas and condensate field following successful drilling results of the ICS-2 exploration well. Located on the Ipati and Aquio blocks, the development will involve 3 wells, a gas treatment plant and associated export pipelines with first gas in 2016. Total plans several more wells on the blocks.

South America


E and P


Bolivia Datafiles

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