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No significant news in 2024.


Jun 2023: OMV Petrom (operator, 50%) and SNGN Romgaz (50%) will develop the 100 bn bcm Domino and Pelican South gas fields in the Neptun Deep block in the Black Sea in water depths of up to 1,000m. Development includes 10 wells, 3 subsea production systems, a platform and a gas pipeline to Tuzla. Capex is around US$4bn with 1st production in 2027.

Jun 2023: OMV Petrom announced the discovery of oil and gas in the Oltenia and Muntenia regions in 3 wells. Discoveries were in the Verguleasa, Târgovite and Târgu Jiu exploration blocks.

Mar 2023: OMV Petrom has signed a contract for the delivery of gas from the Domino field in the Neptun Block to the National Transport System (NTS) via the Tuzla entry/exit point. OMV Petrom assumed operatorship from ExxonMobil of the deepwater Neptun Deep block in August 2022. The Block is expected to come onstream in 2026.


Jun 2022: Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG), Petro Ventures Resources and Gas Plus Dacia announced production start-up from the Midia Gas Development Project (MGD - Ana and Doina gas fields) with first gas delivered to the National Transmission System (NTS). The project is expected to deliver 0.5 Bcm this year, with peak production at 1 Bcm per year for the following 3 years.


Sep 2021: Black Sea Oil & Gas installed the Ana unmanned platform topsides for the  Midia gas development project (MGD). It is is the 1st offshore platform in Romania for 30 years, and is in 70 m of water. The project consists of 5 production wells (1 subsea at the Doina field and 4 platform at the Ana field). A 126 km gas pipeline links to a new onshore gas treatment plant in Corbu commune with a capacity of 1 bcm per year.

Jul 2021: Serinus Energy announced that the Sancrai-1 exploration well in the Satu Mare Concession Area has discovered gas in a Pliocene sand zone. The Company will now perforate and test prior to completing the well for future production. The field lies nearly 8 kms south of the Moftinu Gas Development project allowing early commercial production.

Jan 2021: OMV Petrom is making an investment of US$38.6 mm in a drilling campaign in the Istria block in the Black Sea. Two development wells are being drilled in water depths of around 60m. US$603.7 mm was invested between 2014 and 2019 with the drilling of 16 E and P wells and modernization of production facilities and gas compression.


No significant news in 2020.


Apr 2019: Serinus Energy announced that production has commenced at the Moftinu Gas Plant (Moftinu 1003 production well). During the stabilization period gas will be sold daily following which it will be sold monthly as per the Gas Sales Agreement.

Apr 2019: Black Sea Oil & Gas announced receipt, from NAMR, of approval for the Field Development Plan for the Midia Gas Development Project (MGD).

Feb 2019: Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG) with partners, Petro Ventures and Gas Plus have approved the FID to proceed with the US$400 mm Midia Gas Development Project (MGD) in the Black Sea. The Project is the 1st offshore gas development in Romania since 1989, consisting of 1 subsea well at Doina and 4 platform wells at Ana. Capacity of 1 bcm a year is planned.


Nov 2018: Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG) has awarded an EPCIC contract for all facilities and drilling of 5 production wells on the Midia gas development project in the XV Midia Shallow Block to GSP Offshore. It includes the subsea gas production system over the Doina field and a new unmanned production platform over the Ana field, on and offshore pipelines and a gas treatment plant in Vadu village.

Sep 2018: Raffles Energy (operator, 50%) and Prospex (50%) announced the Bainet gas field, a Carpathian Foredeep play on the EIV-1 Suceava Concession, has commenced production. One well has been connected to the Bilca processing plant via a 2.2 km pipeline with gas sold locally.


Nov 2017: Raffles Energy (operator, 50%) and Prospex (50%) made a gas discovery at the Bainet-1 well in the EIV-1 Suceava Concession. It was drilled to a depth of 600m, encountering 9m of Sarmatian sandstone reservoir. It has been completed as a producer and will be connected to the Bilca gas processing plant in the adjoining EIII-1 Brodina Block to commence production in Q2 2018.

May 2017: Romgaz will start production in 2019 at the Caragele field in Buzau county. The field has estimated gas reserves of 26 bcm and Romgaz plans to drill 6 more wells in the field in 2017.

Feb 2017: Black Sea Oil & Gas will begin Black Sea gas production in mid-2018 from the Ana and Doina gas discoveries in the XV Midia Shallow Block, (Globashift notes: this will probably be delayed to 2019/2020). Black Sea Oil & Gas operates (65%) the XV Midia Shallow Block and XIII Pelican Block with partners Gas Plus International and Petro Ventures.


Dec 2016: Hunt (50%, operator) and OMV Petrom (50%) announced start of experimental gas production from the North Padina field discovered in 2014 in Buzau County.

Nov 2016: Black Sea Oil & Gas has awarded the FEED contract to Xodus Group for facilities for development of the Ana and Doina Gas Discoveries in XV Midia Block. Final Investment Decision is planned for 2017. The potential Gas Development Project consists of the design and construction of offshore platforms, a gas transmission pipeline, and a gas treatment plan.

Jul 2016: Romgaz announced a hydrocarbon discovery in Block RG.06 Muntenia Nord-Est in the north eastern part of the Moesian Platform in the Caragele structure. Production tests completed at 2 exploration wells, Damianca 55 and 77 Rosetti, confirm gas in Jurassic limestone reservoirs.


Oct 2015: Lukoil (operator, 72%) has discovered gas at the Lira-1X well, Trident Block (EX-30) in 700m of water. Partners are PanAtlantic (18%) and Romgaz (10%).

Apr 2015: ExxonMobil’s Black Sea Domino field could be producing 6 bcm each year in the early 2020s at a more competitive price than existing Russian contracts and additional Azerbaijan gas imports. ExxonMobil will also drill the Pelican South and Dolphin wells in 2015.

Mar 2015: ROMGAZ has discovered 2 new gas accumulations. Frasin, completed in January 2015, is located in block RG 04 Moldova Nord where ROMGAZ has produced gas since 1972. Cris is located in block RG 03 Transilvania Sud and was discovered in 2014..

Feb 2015: Chevron will give up shale gas exploration in Romania after an assessment showed it does not compete favourably with other investment opportunities. Last month Chevron took a similar decision to discontinue its operations in Poland.


Nov 2014: The Prime Minister believes that the country does not have any shale gas. However, Chevron, is analysing data collected from the Pungesti well and aims to drill more wells in the area. It also has rights for 3 licences near the Black Sea. The country plans to tender 36 new onshore and offshore areas for exploration in 2015.

Jul 2014: ExxonMobil (operator, 50%) and OMV Petrom (50%) are drilling Domino-2 in the Black Sea Neptun Block to assess the gas field discovered by  Domino-1 in 2012. The  well is 200 kms offshore and is being drilled with the Ocean Endeavor rig in a water depth of 800m.

Jul 2014: OMV Petrom has found oil in the Marina 1 well on the continental shelf of the Black Sea. Marina 1 was drilled 60 kms from shore in the Istria XVIII Perimeter block in a water depth of 50m. Flow estimates from production tests show a potential production per well of up to 2000 bbls per day. OMV holds 51.01% in OMV Petrom with the Romanian state, property funds, and public listings holding the remainder.

May 2014: Chevron has begun drilling for shale gas at its exploration well site in eastern Romania in the town of Pungesti


Oct 2013: Romania plans to launch tenders for 28 onshore and 8 Black Sea offshore blocks. Similar tenders took place in 2010 when 20 out of 30 auctioned blocks were leased.

Jun 2013:  ExxonMobil and OMV Petrom have acquired the largest 3D survey ever carried out in the Black Sea and contracted the Ocean Endeavor semisub to resume drilling in the Neptun Block in early 2014. Data will be used to determine the size of the 2012 Domino gas discovery and potential prospects. If deemed commercial first production would be at the end of the decade.

Jun 2013: Zeta Petroleum (50%) and Raffles Energy (operator, 50%) have announced a production test on the Dornesti Sud well on the Suceava gas concession on the Moldovian platform. The well has been suspended ready for production. A second well, SE-1, will also be tested. Existing production at the Climauti field remains stable. A feasibility study is considering development options to bring the two gas wells into production.

May 2013: OMV Petrom has announced the redevelopment of the Oprisenesti oil field in the southeast of the country in Braila County. Oprisenesti is a mature oil field in production for almost 50 years. Thirty new wells are planned, re-pressurization with water injection and modernization of equipment.

May 2013: Chevron plans to start exploring for shale gas, conducting a seismic survey near the Black Sea and drilling wells further north in Vaslui county. Chevron has rights to explore for shale in 3 blocks (17, 18 and 19) in the Dobrogea area in southeast Romania and one block (Barlad Shale) in Vaslui in northeast Romania. It plans to begin drilling a well here in 2013.

Apr 2013: OMV and ExxonMobil expect to invest US$1 bn in the exploration program of a deep sector of the Black Sea comprising a 3D seismic survey and drilling in 2014. Potential gas production from a future development of the Domino field is estimated at 6.5 bcm each year, although appraisal is required before a development decision is made.

Apr 2013: OMV Petrom will invest around US$256 mm up to 2015 redeveloping the Suplacu field in the northwestern area of Barcau. OMV have reduced its field production decline rate to roughly 1% per year using redevelopment projects. Suplacu is a mature oil field in production for over 50 years providing 10% of OMVs total oil output in Romania. Redevelopment works will comprise the drilling of 105 wells and construction of a new water treatment plant and upgrades to gas combustion and air compression systems. OMV Petrom plans to redevelop 6 to 8 of its 238 fields by 2015.


Dec 2012: Sterling Resources, operator of Block 13 Pelican in the Black Sea, announced a gas discovery at the Eugenia-1 exploration well. Initial results indicate net gas pay in Late Cretaceous sandstones.and Eocene limestone. The same Eocene interval turned out to be producible in an adjacent well.

Feb 2012: The Domino-1 well in the Black Sea, Neptun Block well, operated by ExxonMobil with Petrom, has discovered up to 84 bcm of gas. It is the first deep water exploration well in Romania.

Eastern Europe


E and P


Romania Datafiles

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